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Die neuesten Nachrichten von WPopt AB

17. Sep 2019

Backup system changes

We're currently working on some changes to our in-built backup systems. This will be a long process but will significantly improve the incremental backup systems we have in place - both from a user perspective (i.e. MUCH easier and less scarier for you as a user to restore files and databases) and also significantly less of a headache for us from ...

11. Sep 2019

A few design changes

We're making a few design changes - in case you find any pages which aren't loading correctly then please forgive the mess. Hopefully you should find things easier to navigate!

4. Sep 2019

FTP being replaced by SFTP

We will soon be removing access via FTP because of its inherent insecurity. You should use SFTP instead - instructions for connecting to this and getting it set up can be found here:


10. Nov 2018

New secure password transmissions

We have a new password manager! If you need to submit passwords to us for any reason (i.e. for migration purposes or similar) you can now enter and store passwords for any site of your choosing safely and securely in the Password Manager. This can be found under your user menu, or directly here:https://wpopt.net/index.php?m=PasswordManagerFor ...